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2 min read time

First quarter engagement report

It has been a busy start to 2021; we have engaged with eight companies on 11 unique cases. The majority of the engagement work has involved setting the scene for further dialogue and monitoring. We have covered a wide variety of topics, all of which are linked to company-specific strategies and ambitions. In one particular company engagement, we discussed the potential effects that the introduction of a cap and trade carbon market in China might have on their operations.

In another, we sought to better understand the importance of the company’s commitment to human capital for acquisition and retention of talent. Another topic that featured in our dialogue with companies focused on their plans to add circular features to their business operations. Some actors see the potential to renovate, re-build and upgrade existing machinery for clients and second-hand buyers of their products. For other companies, the circular focus is related to further expanding innovation and investments in order to reduce operational emissions and greenhouse gases. In turn, this often also benefits the total cost picture as well as employee wellbeing and satisfaction.

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As active stock pickers

SKAGEN’s portfolio managers have always sought out undervalued companies. While some of these may have a controversial past, they must also demonstrate a willingness to change. As such, we favour companies that create value through improvements related to environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors, amongst others.

Excess return can be generated when companies develop in a positive way, either through our engagement with them or their own improvements. As such, picking the right companies that are on a positive ESG trajectory can be a source of significant outperformance and is in line with SKAGEN’s value-based investment philosophy of finding undervalued companies where we can see clear catalysts for revaluation.

Our approach to sustainable investments is built upon three main pillars: Exclusion, Integration and Active Ownership. Each method is applied in different circumstances and leads to different investment outcomes. The full potential of a sustainable investment strategy is only realised when applying the methods together. Read more here



SKAGEN Focus: Looking below the radar to find ESG’s future leaders

Why neglected small-caps driving real-world changes can be the big winners of the green transition. Read the article now arrow_right_alt

More about Sustainability

Annual ESG Report: Investing for financial gain and sustainability

While we do not claim to be able to slow climate change, we can say that when we invest and engage ...

ESG Engagements in 2022

Engaging with companies is a key part of an active manager’s responsibility and ESG topics ...

SFDR: What is it, and how does it affect me as a client?

The Sustainable Financial Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) impacts all financial market participants. ...

Les rendements historiques ne constituent pas une garantie pour les rendements futurs. Les rendements futurs dépendront, entre autres, de l'évolution du marché, des compétences du gestionnaire du fonds, du profil de risque du fonds et des frais de gestion. Le rendement peut devenir négatif en raison de l'évolution négative des prix. L'investissement dans les fonds comporte des risques liés aux mouvements du marché, à l'évolution des devises, aux niveaux des taux d'intérêt, aux conditions économiques, sectorielles et spécifiques à l'entreprise. Les fonds sont libellés en NOK. Les rendements peuvent augmenter ou diminuer en raison des fluctuations des devises. Avant d'effectuer une souscription, nous vous encourageons à lire le prospectus du fonds et le document d'information clé pour l'investisseur qui contiennent des détails supplémentaires sur les caractéristiques et les coûts du fonds. Ces informations sont disponibles sur le site Storebrand Asset Management administre les fonds SKAGEN qui sont, par convention, gérés par les gestionnaires de portefeuille de SKAGEN.
