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Financial commentator and provocateur
Grant Williams is something of an enfant terrible amongst investors, and specialises in challenging the world's financial doctrines.

Grant Williams will be one of the speakers presenting at SKAGEN's New Year's Conference 2015. Among some of the questions he has been known to ask are: should equities be regarded as the stable element of the future in a world of potentially risky bonds? Will savers in the western world be penalised by their governments to the benefit of borrowers? And can Europe really avoid large internal conflicts in the future?
The man with questions
Grant Williams is a man who likes to ask important questions. And he doesn't shy away from answering these himself. With 28 years of experience as a fund manager and strategic advisor on four different continents, he has seen most of what there is to see in the investment industry. Fortunately he is happy to share his experiences and strong opinions.
Internationally Grant Williams is most well known for his blog Things that make you go hmm. The blog has been in existence for almost five years and has more than one million subscribers, making Williams an important spokesperson in the financial world. In the blog he strives to create order in the chaos of the information and trends that currently characterise the global markets. On a day-to-day basis Grant Williams works in Singapore as a portfolio and strategy advisor for the hedge fund Vulpes Investment Management.
Travel guide along the spice road
At SKAGEN's New Year's Conference, Williams will take participants on a 'Spice Odyssey'; a financial journey along the old spice road between the Middle East and South East Asia. The theme and title are typical of Williams. He has an entertaining habit of drawing parallels to the film world and he also bases his presentations on his own observations from a long career at various investment houses in Hong Kong, Tokyo and Singapore, amongst other places. They are anything but boring.
More about Grant Williams: